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Firstly, we want to acknowledge that the masters of stone medicine of the past, as well as those living masters today, are not in need of their practices having any designations or acknowledgments from us. It is we who are greatly indebted to them.

Even so, we have created this program as a way to recognize the dedication of stone medicine practitioners to their craft, and to honor their diligence in carrying these ancient practices into the future.

While there are many traditions of stone medicine throughout the world, currently Stone Medicine Guild designations are based solely on Chinese or Daoist stone medicine classes and seminars.

The Stone Medicine Guild grants designations to stone medicine practitioners and teachers that have completed a set number of educational requirements, and acknowledges those educational requirements by granting the use of a SMG designation.  

All credentials submitted to the SMG for consideration towards a SMG designation must be for Daoist stone medicine classes for which PDA points or CE hour credits are granted by a licensed healthcare professional organization* OR certificates from schools recognized by the SMG from which credit hours will be determined based on actual class lecture hours.

PLEASE NOTE: Classes for which no CEs or certificates are given will require a signed form from the teacher of the class with date, name of class, and actual lecture hours given, in order to be considered.

* For example organization providing PDA pr CEs for healthcare professionals such as acupuncturists, licensed massage therapists, nurses, etc. 


Registered Stone Medicine Practitioner Required
RSMP-ILevel 1 100 hours/credits
RSMP-IILevel 2150 hours/credits 
RSMP- IIILevel 3200 hours/credits  


If you are a stone medicine practitioner that would like to apply for a SMG designation, please complete and submit the following:

  1. RSMP Application
  2. Copies of certificates for stone medicine classes that includes your name, the date, the name of the class, the instructor of the class, and the number of PDA points, CE credits or equivalent hours granted for course completion.
  3. Copies of Additional Class Forms for classes without PDA/CE credits or certificates.

Submissions are accepted by email only, and all documents should be submitted as legible pdf or jpg files.

The SMG reserves the right to determine which classes are accepted towards SMG designations, and to deny submissions for SMG designations. (Generally, classes given by professional organizations or schools recognized by the SMG will be accepted.)

The SMG may also withdraw the right of use of the SMG designations for any reason. 


Registered Stone Medicine Practitioner Required
RSMP-EEducator300 hours/credits total *

* Requires an RSMP-III plus 100 more hours/credits of which at least 60 hours/credits must be for classes taught, 24 hours must be for classes taken, and an additional 16 hours which may be from either category.


If you are a stone medicine practitioner and educator that would like to apply for the Educator Level SMG designation, please complete and submit the following:

  1. RSMP-E Application
  2. Copies of certificates for stone medicine classes taken OR that you have taught that includes your name, the date, the name of the class, the instructor of the class (if applicable), and the number of PDA points, CE credits or equivalent hours granted for course completion.
  3. Copies of Additional Class Forms for classes without PDA/CE credits or certificates.
  4. Completed forms for Classes Taught Form for classes that the applicant has taught.

Submissions are accepted by email only, and all documents should be submitted as legible pdf or jpg files.

The SMG reserves the right to determine which classes are accepted towards SMG designations, and to deny submissions for SMG designations. (Generally, classes given by professional organizations or schools recognized by the SMG will be accepted.)

The SMG may also withdraw the right of use of the SMG designations for any reason. 

PARTIAL CREDIT – Multiple Topic Classes

Occasionally partial credit or CE/PDAs from a class may be given if a portion of a Daoist/Chinese Medicine related class was related to stone medicine. This will be determined either by the SMG and/or the school.

PARTIAL CREDIT – Repeat Classes

Also be aware that credits for classes taken before 1/1/23, that were taken more than once, will only have the hours counted once. If you took a particular class twice the hours would only count once, however…

…after 1/1/23 classes taken a second time will follow the above policy, unless the SMG and the school offering classes have determined to give partial credits/hours, due to a significant amount of new material in the repeated class.

Contact us if you have any questions about whether you may get additional credits/hours or not for classes taken more than once.


Please be aware that practitioners may not use the SMG designations until they have received a certificate from the SMG.

SMG designations will be published on the SMG website, unless you request that we not do so.

(All submitted documents and the information contained therein will not be shared with any other person or organization for any reason.)